1: 1. Squats with Resistance Band 2. Standing Shoulder Press 3. Biceps Curls
2: 4. Bent Over Rows 5. Glute Bridges 6. Tricep Extensions
3: 7. Lateral Band Walks 8. Chest Press 9. Russian Twists
4: 10. Leg Press 11. Plank with Row 12. Seated Rows
5: 13. Deadlifts with Band 14. Side Lying Leg Lifts 15. Overhead Tricep Extension
6: 16. Sumo Squats 17. Front Raises 18. Clamshells
7: 19. Mountain Climbers with Band 20. Kneeling Crunches 21. Chest Flys
8: 22. Hip Abduction 23. Reverse Flys 24. Superman with Band
9: 25. Lateral Raises 26. Bicycle Crunches 27. Tricep Kickbacks