1: 1. Deadlifts - Targeting lower back and legs. 2. Squats - Build strength in legs and glutes.

2: 3. Bench Press - Great for chest and triceps. 4. Rowing - Hits back muscles effectively.

3: 5. Shoulder Press - Works shoulders and triceps. 6. Pull-Ups - Strengthen upper body and core.

4: 7. Lunges - Engage quads and glutes. 8. Dips - Focus on triceps and chest.

5: 9. Bicep Curls - Isolate and tone biceps. 10. Romanian Deadlifts - Target hamstrings and glutes.

6: Master these top 10 barbell exercises for muscle mass gains.

7: Consult a fitness trainer for proper form and technique.

8: Incorporate these exercises into your workout routine for optimal results.

9: Remember to warm up and cool down before and after each session.